A Pakistani militant commander, said to be a member of the Jaish-e-Mohammed outfit, was arrested by the Jammu & Kashmir police on Friday from Hajibal in the upper reaches of north Kashmir’s Baramulla town.

The militant, named Abdul Rehman, was caught after intelligence inputs and is believed to be a resident of Muzaffarabad in PoK. He allegedly arrived in Kashmir in February as part of a six-member Jaish-e-Mohammed squad, Hindustan Times reported.

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Shockingly, the militant was caught with an Aadhaar card, which mentioned his name as Shabir Ahmad Khan, and allowed him to evade security checkpoints. Another JeM militant arrested in February was also found in possession of an Aadhaar card. The police told The Indian Express that,

“We are in the process of finding out whether the card has been forged or if he actually managed to get an Aadhaar card, If it turns out to be genuine, it is a serious issue for security agencies. It would put a big question mark on the entire Aadhaar system in the Valley.”

Abdur Rehman was trained in a camp located in Balakot of Pakistan and infiltrated into Kashmir with a Fidayeen squad from Kupwara sector. He was trying to recruit local youth for a terror module, to establish a JeM base in Baramulla.

According to the police, one AK series rifle, 4 grenades, a wireless set and other ammunition was found in Rehman’s possession.