Most of us might scoff at the very idea of ‘urban legends’, but there seems to be one unfolding at the ongoing ICC Champions Trophy.

Courtesy one sports journalist from Pakistan called Zainab Abbas.

Zainab Abbas

Abbas, who is a sports anchor/analyst for Dunya News, gained notoriety when Twitterati discovered that whichever player she took a selfie with, performed badly in the next match.

Take for example this instance when she’d taken a selfie with South Africa’s AB de Villiers.

Zainab Abbas

Now even if you aren’t a cricket fan, you’d be aware of de Villiers’ batting prowess.

However, that same day after taking a selfie with Abbas, de Villiers got out for a duck.

Nothing surprising except the fact that he’d gotten out for a duck for the first time in his 12-year-long career!


Her next target turned out to be captain of the Indian cricket team, Virat Kohli with whom she’d taken a selfie on June 1.

Zainab Abbas

And guess what, Kohli too got out for a duck for the first time in 3 years in a match against Sri Lanka last night.


Twitterati soon noticed this dark gift of hers.


And the one person having the most fun was Zainab herself! As she went on a retweeting spree.

People even started sending her ‘requests’ and pleasantly enough, she played along.

No prizes for guessing what her favourite song might be.


Zainab, Ab-bas bhi karo!