The world beyond this world is immensely beautiful.

NASA’s Juno spacecraft has been hanging around the Jupiter for more than one and a half years now. It recently completed its 10th trip around the planet and has sent us some jaw-dropping pictures. 

Cruising high above the planet’s massive, swirling cloud tops, Juno shot these pictures in December and the American space agency has shared them on the Internet.


According to NASA, this spectacular close-up shot was taken on 16 December 2017 from 8292 miles above the Jovian clouds. 


The photos are taken by Juno and uploaded to NASA’s JunoCam website. There, citizen scientists help to process raw images sent back from space.

Two citizen scientists, Gerald Eichstädt and Seán Doran, have enhanced the images by manipulating the color and contrast. They have released several other breathtaking images of the big gassy planet edited by them last month.

Looks more like a Van Gogh painting. Doesn’t it?


Wondering whether it is a masterpiece of marble art with intricate patterns? 


Drown yourself in the blue swirls.

These dreamy pictures of the massive planet offer a perfect rendition of how a starry night might look like.


We will never be able to see Jupiter with our naked eyes, but these wonderful color-enhanced images capture the imagination of most of us.