JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar was attacked by men in Nagpur, allegedly belonging to Bajrang Dal, on Thursday, reported India Today.

Shoes were hurled at Kanhaiya who was in the city to address a public meeting on the occasion of Babasaheb Ambedkar’s 125th birth anniversary. The meeting was organised by the Progressive Students’ Youth Action Committee.

After Kanhaiya took the stage, he attacked the RSS in their own bastion by saying, “Sangh headquarters is not Parliament and manu smriti is not Constitution,” reports The Hindu.

Soon, around 15 men started shouting slogans against the JNUSU president, and slippers and shoes were hurled at Kanhaiya.

“What sort of patriotism is displayed by throwing slippers?” asked Kanhaiya before being escorted off the stage, reports India Today

It was the second such event of the day. Earlier on Thursday, Kanhaiya’s car was pelted with stones allegedly by Bajrang Dal activists after he arrived in the city, reports ANI.

Five people have been arrested so far. 

This is Kanhaiya Kumar’s first visit to Nagpur after he was charged with sedition for ogranising an event at JNU on February 9, where ‘anti-national’ slogans were raised, reports India Today

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