Things just never cease to calm down in Jammu and Kashmir. Recently, an outfit by the name of Tehreek Taliban put out a notice asking certain businesses to shut shop within seven days or be shot dead. According to India Today , they consider telecom operators, druggists and cable operators ‘anti-Islam’ and consequently put out posters around Sopore with this warning.

Source – Indiatoday

Here is the translation of the message on the poster:

“We are appealing to Muslims that they should restrain themselves from the conspiracy against Islam. You are requested to follow Islamic teachings and we have the potential to finish anti-Islamic activities in state and world. You are aware about mobile operations what we carried and are warning those people who:

1.Deal in fuel business for security vehicles.

2.People selling and dealing drugs, narcotics.

3.Cable operators.

4.Those who provide shelter to outsiders.

5.Those homes where gambling takes place.

Quit these activities or face consequences. Seven days deadline.”

This has happened despite recent safety assurances from the government after an attack by Lakshar-e-Islam that left two people dead.