The country has been witness to political leaders and other media personalities making outrageous and, at times, hilarious statements in public. But this time, a senior advocate in the Supreme Court let the judiciary have it without mincing his words.

Source: NDTV

Arguing in favour of the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC), on Wednesday, senior advocate Dushyant Dave said that Supreme Court judges should roam the premises in a burqa to gauge frustration of lawyers.

“My Lords should wear a burqa and roam in court corridors to hear the way lawyers talk about the judges of this court. You will get a first hand account of the rotting justice delivery system.” These are the exact words used by Dave to describe the disgust felt by the lawyers about the quality of lawyers being appointed as judges.

Source: India TV news

Dave made this statement in front of a constitution bench led by Justice J S Khehar while arguing for the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA). Dave is also the president of the SCBA and described the judges appointed by the Apex Court as a disgrace.

He drew attention to many cases such as the Gujarat riots and 1984 anti-Sikh riots and said that these cases did not render justice on account of faulty appointment of judges. He even pointed out at the way quick bail was granted to actor Salman Khan by the High Court within hours of conviction. He called it a shame for judiciary.

Source: IBN Live

Dave also went on to suggest how perpetrators of riots like Maya Kodnani got bail while activist Teesta Setalvad had to run from pillar to post to get protection. He said that the Supreme Court uses its power to appoint judges as a giant and wont listen to any advice on rectifying flawed appointments.

Dave also hit out at the government saying it preferred appointment of weak judges who can be manipulated in many cases.

Now this is a man who doesn’t mince his words.