In a bizarre incident that left many commuters shocked and the Delhi Metro Rail Corporatin red faced, a big LED television screen intended to play commercials in Delhi’s Rajiv Chowk Metro Station, started playing a porn clip in full public view.

According to reports, the clip was played for just under a minute before the feed was again changed back to the usual in Rajiv Chowk station, one of the busiest stations in the Delhi metro network.

Here is a video of the incident, shot by a commuter, which went viral on social media:

The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), the body in-charge for the operation and maintenance of Delhi Metro, has in turn launched a probe into the incident, which has caused quite a bit of embarrassment for the body. 

In statement issued by DMRC, a spokesperson said “DMRC is not aware about this clip. However,this LED screen was under commissioning and testing by a private contractor. The work is still not completed. We will check all the details of the testing and commissioning process of the contractor to check whether any such clip was played on the LED screen at Rajiv Chowk station and take adequate safeguards/ action,” Hindustan Times reported. 

Feature Image Source: PTI / Reuters