After the Uber cab rape that shocked the Delhi bourgeois who thought cabs a safe haven, much has been said about how to better things.

And everyone has their novel solution up for grabs. Including good old Meru.

Meru Eve, a new line of taxis, driven for women, by women, offers a whole bunch of attractions, The Wall Street Journal reports. It is pink in colour, of course.

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Pepper sprays for the good-aimers, and panic buttons for the perpetually ‘hysterical’, the cabs come with a whole range of combat tools for us panic-friendly Delhi women.

Thanks, really. But can we step out with the aforementioned items? I suppose not.

Rapes do not occur in SPECIFIED locations. Rapists are not hunting venues to change their methods of rape. By adding items that have the name panic in them, we are only welcoming rape culture.

Acknowledgement is good. Caution even better. But painting cabs pink isn’t the way to caution.

Source: Team-BHP

Are we going to paint all of Delhi pink now? Nope.

Stay within your lines women. Be it the designated pink coach of a metro, or a pink cab.

Don’t cross it, or we’re coming for you.