Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh got stuck inside a lift on Thursday at the CRPF headquarters in New Delhi and had to scale the wall to exit, reported IBNLive .

We recently established that Rahul Gandhi is Batman , and Rajnath Singh’s proximity to Spiderman-like skills (he let the other ministers who were stuck in the lift with him exit before him, albeit with the help of a stool) comes as a delightful revelation.

This got us thinking. How would other politicians react if they were to get stuck in a lift?

If it was Mamata didi, she would probably scream in her characteristic high pitch and say,

General V.K. Singh would tweet about how rescue operations are better than getting stuck in a lift.

Lalu Prasad Yadav would in all probability crack a smart one-liner on himself.

Mayawati, we predict, would pass her time carving out some elephants on the lift walls.

Arvind Kejriwal would settle on the lift floor assuming the dharna pose and demand an immediate solution.

Narendra Modi would immediately call the PMO to book tickets and get set to fly away to phoren , again.

RSS supremo Mohan Bhagwat upon realising that there is no way out will propose a valid one, for a change.

What would former Prime Minister’s reaction be? We aren’t quite sure, but he will certainly mull over it.

What if they were to be stuck in a lift together?