Ludhiana Police is taking small initiatives to prevent crimes against women. They are offering free rides in a police vehicle to women who are unable to find cab rides at night. 

According to reports, a woman has to call the police helpline numbers 1091 and 7837018555 and can make a request for a police vehicle. This vehicle will drop them free of cost and will be available between 10 pm to 6 am on all days. 


Commissioner of Police Rakesh Agrawal added

We have also launched the Shakti app. With the click of a button, women can reach out for police help. The Shakti app has an SOS feature and on one click, your 10 contacts are updated about your location with SOS help message and the location is immediately shared with nearest the PCR. We have installed it in mobile phones of more than 2,500 women in the last month. The app can be downloaded from Play Store. 

This move has been taken after the recent rape and murder of a veterinary doctor in Hyderabad.