As the Coronavirus outbreak and the 21-day lockdown has pushed us to keep a minimum of 6-feet-distance with everybody, a wedding in Maharastra was officiated over a video call. 


While the banquet halls remain closed amidst the lockdown, in a small scale ceremony, Mohammad Minhajudd, the groom who’s from Aurangabad exchanged his wedding vows with the bride who was in Beed. 

News18 ( Representational Image)

Mohammad Gayaz, the bridegroom’s father said that the marriage was fixed six months ago, way before the fear of the pandemic started ruling our life.  

Promise Ring

The Qazi who performed the rituals for the marriage said that both the families were happy as their kids got married at a minimal expense in the comfort of their own home and ended up saving a lot of money. 

Looks like Coronavirus couldn’t keep these two lovebirds apart.