While rescue efforts are in full swing in the state, the people of Kerala need support from the rest of the country, if they are to survive the effects of this disaster and recover from it.

The situation in Kerala is dire. The incessant rainfall has resulted in floods killing at least 370 people and rendering thousands homeless.

Indian Express
The Print

Well, the sex workers from Maharastra have also contributed to the relief funds sent to the flooded regions.

India Today

These sex workers from Maharastra’s Ahmednagar have already donated ₹21,000 for the flood victims. 

And they will raise another ₹ 1 lakh by the end of this month.

A cheque was drawn in favour of the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund to the Resident Deputy Collector, Prashant Patil on Monday. 


And this is not the first time that they have collectively come forward to help disaster victims in the country. In December 2015, during the Chennai floods, they had donated ₹1 lakh.


According to the Times of India, they have already donated ₹27 lakhs for the victims of Gujarat earthquake in 2001, the Tsunami in 2004, floods in Kashmir and Bihar, drought in Maharastra and to the families of the Kargil war heroes. 


In this day and age, where people do not seem to be capable of rising above hate and have been spreading hate messages against the state, this is a welcome gesture.

You can also do your bit to help. Here’s how