Education activist Malala Yousafzai just received her GCSE (UK degree equivalent to class X board exams in India) results, and she has done exceptionally well. Malala received five A*s and four As in her final exams.

Even after winning a Nobel Prize and being asked to speak in front of world leaders, Malala has not let her school get interrupted.

Her father very proudly tweeted about her results.

Malala has recently been rejecting a number of speaking arrangements and interviews in order to focus on her studies. She has been attending a private all girls school in Birmingham, UK. She shifted to the UK with her family when she was 15, as she was being treated at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for the gunshot wound she suffered to her head by the Taliban. The Taliban had targeted her because she was championing the right of education for all.

The Pakistani media has shown a great deal of respect and admiration for the young activist. ” Nothing that Malala Yousafzai achieves seems startling anymore but she continues to make Pakistan proud,” said the Express Tribune (as quoted by The Guardian ).

Source: Reuters

Malala told the Guardian, “I will only miss school for an engagement if it is going to bring real change.” She realised that accepting too many invitation was affecting her schoolwork.

“That is the question I have to ask myself with each request and if the answer is yes, I say, ‘OK, I will sacrifice one day of my school for the education of millions of children who are out of school,” she said.

Malala plans to remain in the UK to complete her education, and hopes to study at a prestigious university such as Oxford. She is particularly fond of that institution as Benazir Bhutto also attended university there, and she happens to be Malala’s role model.

Feature image source: Reuters