A 24-year-old man was today arrested in Malappuram district of Kerala for allegedly making unsavoury remarks on social media against Lt Colonel E K Niranjan, who was killed while defusing a grenade during the terror attack at Pathankot IAF base. The man, identified as Anwar Sadhik, was arrested under IPC 124 (A) (sedition).
Police said Sadhik, posing himself as a journalist attached to a regional daily, Madhyamam allegedly made derogatory remarks against Niranjan and his family in his Facebook post.
The post said, “Good- there goes one more trouble. Now his wife will be given a job and financial aid. Ordinary folks get nothing. Stinking democracy!”reports The NEWSMinute.
He was arrested based on a complaint by the management of the regional daily, whose name he used in the post. A casual labourer at a local shop, he was arrested from his house at Chemmankadavu in Malappuram district in the wee hours today, police said.
(With inputs from PTI)