In the mad race of seeking validation and appreciation on social media, sometimes people lose the sense of right and wrong. They can go any length to gain people’s attention. Not too long ago, a Russian photographer was told off by the police after her ‘daredevil’ stunts of taking terrifying photos climbing skyscrapers went viral. 

Now, notwithstanding the attention-seeking nature of her stunts, this woman was risking her own life, unlike an Algerian man who put an innocent child’s life in danger just for a few likes. 

In a horrific incident in Algeria, a man dangled a baby from the window of his 15th floor flat and posted a photograph on Facebook saying, “1000 likes or I’ll drop him.”

The man held his baby cousin pulling up his clothes from behind the neck and posted the picture on Facebook.  

The post immediately attracted a lot of backlash and criticism from many people who reported the incident to the police demanding that the man be arrested for child abuse.

The man, whose identity has been withheld, however, alleged that the picture that went viral was photoshopped by the people who removed the protective bars that were there on the balcony.  

Clearly, the court wasn’t convinced by this feeble excuse and sentenced him to two years in prison. 

But the question here is, where is this world heading?