In a shocking incident, a 40-year-old man in Delhi was left to die on the road after he was hit by a tempo. The incident took place on Wednesday morning in the Subhash Nagar area of the city, when Matibool, a rickshaw puller from West Bengal, was hit by a speeding tempo from behind.
CCTV footage shows the driver of the tempo coming out of his vehicle after hitting the victim. But after checking on the damage caused to the vehicle, he quickly glances at the victim, gets back into the tempo and drives off.
Even as the victim lay on the road bleeding, another rickshaw driver stopped at the accident site to take a look. But, instead of providing any help, the rickshaw puller took away Matibool’s mobile phone. And then the rickshaw drove away
According to a report by the Hindustan Times, the accident which took place around 5:30am was only reported around 7am to the police. Matibool was then taken to a nearby hospital by the police where doctors declared that he had died due to excessive bleeding.
The driver of the tempo is still to be caught.
Here is the CCTV footage:
(Warning: The content is graphic in nature. Viewer discretion strongly recommended)