It’s true when they say that love knows no bound especially when it comes to love for fictional characters. Turns out, Vikas Kardam, a 33-year-old man related with the name James Bond so much that he officially changed his name to James Bond. 

Living in West Delhi with his wife and a 3-year-old daughter, Kardam, now known as James Bond, is content with his decision, unlike his wife who thinks that he might get trolled for this. 

Entertainment Weekly
Her first reaction was of shock. She looked at me with anger, didn’t utter a word and then left the room. It’s been two days since she’s spoken to me.

Naturally, after changing his name, he has been getting a lot of attention which he doesn’t mind at all.

The idea to change his name to James Bond occurred to him as a joke but he realised that this name resonated with him more than his former name Vikas. 


In September 2019, he thought of going ahead with it and started official paperwork in April. But due to the coronavirus lockdown, the process got delayed. 

After a delay, his name was finally changed to James Bond, making his dream come true! And, now he’s waiting to change his name on Aadhar, pan card and other official documents. 

Cinema Blend

Bond is aware that he will be subjected to a lot of trolling but he doesn’t mind as long as it’s making people smile!