According to BBC, Mayor of Chiapas, Mexico was tied to a pick-up truck and dragged on the road by angry townspeople. 

The reason? He couldn’t fulfill his promise to repair a local road. 


Jorge Luis Escandón Hernández, a mayor in Southern Mexico, was rescued by the police and reportedly suffered no major injuries. 11 people have been arrested in Las Margaritas, a municipality in the Chiapas state of Mexico. 

Mirror UK

A CCTV footage has been leaked and shows the locals forcibly dragging Hernández on the roads. 

After Hernández failed to fulfill his campaign promise, he was attacked twice by the protesting farmers. His office was trashed four months ago when he was attacked for the first time. 

The politicians in Mexico have always been a sweet target for drug mafias and gangsters. But over the last few years, they have also drawn ire of locals when they fail to make good on their promise.


It took dozens of municipal police officers to stop the vehicle and rescue the mayor. Several locals were injured in the tussle between the set of farmers and the police.