A newly married couple was allegedly forced to leave their first class A.C coupe of the Kanyakumari Super Fast Express, when Union Minister Pon Radhakrishnan asked them to go to another cabin.

The minister refused to apologise because according to him he was in a meeting with a DMK leader. And he didn’t want the couple to get disturbed.

b’Representational image | Source: PTI’

“If it happened, definitely I will apologise. But, when I boarded the train I went to the cabin. I was discussing with the then speaker of Tamil Nadu, who lost to DMK. At that time, this couple was there. I was discussing with them for nearly 45 minutes. After that, some DMK cadres came there to speak to the former speaker,” Radhakrishnan told ANI.

“I told the couple to go to ‘C’ cabin and be there without any disturbance. After the discussion, I went to my cabin. At that time, this couple was not there. I am ready to travel even in sleeper class. If they had requested, I would have given the seat,” he added.