Coming out in support of the Rajput community group that attacked director Sanjay Leela Bhansali for allegedly distorting history in his upcoming movie, Union Minister Giriraj Singh said that the filmmakers can only take such a liberty while portraying Hindu gods and goddesses.
A Times of India report says the minister claimed that while Hindu gods and goddesses have become the butt of all sorts of jokes in movies like PK, filmmakers would never dare to make a movie on Prophet Mohammed.
He vindicated right-wing group Karni Sena’s attack on Bhansali during the shooting of the movie at Jaigarh Fort in Jaipur and said that the opposition to the misrepresentation of historical facts was correct.
“The film is being made by those for whom Aurangzeb and such personalities are icons. The way Padmini’s character is being portrayed in the movie.. they would never have dared to do so had she not been a Hindu.” Singh said, according to an Indian Express report.
Speaking to reporters during an event at the Khasa Kothi in Jaipur, the minister said “Padmavati destroyed herself but did not surrender… So, public should definitely punish such people (who portray her wrongly).”
Karni Sena’s members assaulted Bhansali and stopped the shooting of Padmavati by vandalising the set at Jaigarh Fort of Jaipur. The incident drew sharp reactions from the film industry with its members demanding action against the miscreants.
Despite the filmmakers’ clarifying on the alleged distortion of historical facts in the movie, members of the Kranti Sena have not given up the cause. The Rajput group is now asking for title of the film to be changed from Padmavati and formation of a screening committee to review it.
(Feature image source: PTI/Twitter)