The Ministry of Health in an update tweeted that 3 patients from Rajasthan have been cured of coronavirus. This brought the total number of patients free from the said virus to 13.    

The three patients have tested negative after repeated tests for coronavirus. The patients included a 69-year-old Italian man, his 70-year-old wife and an 85-year-old Jaipur native. 

Zee News

The three patients were treated at the state-run Sawai Man Singh Hospital, Jaipur. The doctors also shared that a combination of the anti-viral drugs which helped in the treatment of swine flu, malaria and HIV appeared to have helped in the treatment. 

Rajasthan Health Secretary, said

First they used malaria drug chloroquine and swine flu medicines and then HIV drugs which is part of protocol for restricted health use, it’s a published paper. It seems to be working. 

The Twitter account of the Ministry of Health has been prompt. It has constantly been updating everyone about the virus, the number of people affected by the virus and the actions being taken by the government. 

So far, the total number of confirmed COVID 2019 cases across India is 110. Out of which there have been two deaths due to the virus. One in Delhi and the other in Karnataka. 

A total of 52 testing sites have been commissioned across the country.