India is a land of disparities. On one hand, it is the 3rd most obese country in the world. On the other, it also has one of the highest number of undernourished people in the world.

New York Times

And while many people are working towards bettering the still rampant food crisis in the country, Mumbai’s famous dabbawalas have decided to help the needy in a unique way.

By donating leftover food from weddings and parties.

Roti bank India

With the Roti Bank initiative, around 400 dabbawalas are working tirelessly to provide food to the needy and poor.

Roti Bank India

All you have to do is, instead of throwing away excess food from weddings and parties, just contact these dabbawalas and they’ll make sure it reaches the people who need it the most.

Roti Bank India

The very fact that dabbawalas are taking time out from their super busy schedule for this non-profit effort deserves massive amounts of respect.

Roti Bank India

Moreover, they’re now planning to make drop points at each local station where people can come by and donate food.

Know startup

You can know more about the initiative right here. Take a bow, you guys.