The Munna Bhai MBBS way of becoming a doctor is now being attempted in real life. Police has arrested a gang of four people for allegedly passing answer keys to students using vests with SIM card units and bluetooth-enabled earpieces during the All India Pre Medical Test (AIPMT).

The Indian Express reported that Haryana police have nabbed four people, including two dentists and an MBBS student, from Rohtak for the allegedly act. Police investigation has found the answer keys were sent through WhatsApp, and for those using the earpieces, they were passed on through phone calls.

Of the four arrested, police have identified two as BDS doctors Sanchit and Bhupender, one as second-year MBBS student Ravi and the fourth as Rajesh. The alleged “kingpin” of this racket, Roop Singh Dangi, is on the run, police has told Indian Express.

Source: Indian Express

It is said the gang might have spread its wings to other states especially Bihar and Rajasthan. The accused have told the police that they had purchased the “engineered vests” from a shop in New Delhi.

Another MBBS doctor (identity withheld) is also under the scanner for acting as a “mediator” between the accused and the students.

Shrikant Jadhav, Inspector General of Police (Rohtak range) has said the arrests followed a tip-off.

“We alerted the examination authorities and ordered a thorough frisking of every student. Also, we received concrete information about the four accused who were staying in a hotel in Panipat. We tracked their mobile phones to the Jhajjar bypass in Rohtak and caught them,” Jadhav told The Indian Express.

He has further said that they have received a list of nine students who appeared in the AIPMT exams by allegedly paying money to the accused, and raids are on to nab all those involved.