You can identify them by their clothes.
Remember the Prime Minister saying that in a rally, clearly signalling who he thinks is inciting violence in Delhi?
It was a highly problematic statement and some thing had to be done about it. So, people came with an interesting solution.
Men from Muslim and Sikh communities decided to exchange their headdresses, to ask a very important question – can you identify us now?

In a video shared by Amnesty International, Muslim men can be seen wearing a turban and Sikhs donning a skull cap.

They then sit next to each other and say:
The PM says that he can recongnise troublemakers by their clothes. Look at my clothes and tell me if I am Hindu Muslim or Sikh.

As per the video, the Sikh men travelled to Delhi to show their support for the cause, and joined their Muslim brothers in the protest.
Always together, in happy times and tough.
These Sikh men in India traveled to show solidarity with Muslim men, in times of growing intolerance in the country.
— Amnesty International (@amnesty) March 3, 2020