In a major embarrassment for the great British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), it has been found that one of their shows on the ongoing World Cup actually featured a fake Pakistani cricketer, who was on the show as an ‘expert’.

Nadeem Alam posed as ex-Pakistani batsman Nadeem Abbasi on multiple occasions and appeared on BBC networks such as BBC World News, BBC Asian Network and Radio Five Live. He was also part of a discussion with former Indian batsman Aakash Chopra.

Source: The Telegraph

Nadeem Abbasi, who has played three tests for Pakistan in 1989, was naturally furious at this imposter. He reportedly told The Sun , ” If I ever find Nadeem Alam, I will punch him in the face for damaging the country’s reputation.”

He added, “The BBC is a big institution and surely they must check?”Incidentally, this is how Nadeem Abbasi actually looks like. His only public media appearance was in the World Cup in 1996.

Source: Deccan Chronicle

Clearly, there are no similarities between the two. More importantly, the very fact that a media house as prestigious and as meticulous as the BBC made such a faux pas, is very disconcerting.

Meanwhile, the imposter, Nadeem Alam has only played for his local town team of Huddersfield. But as he puts it, “I like to think I have been talking good cricket.”

That aside, while people maybe slightly bemused at this comedy of errors, it reflects poorly on BBC. Understandably, they have launched a formal investigation into the matter, with the official spokesperson issuing an apology to Abbasi. They stated, ” We apologise to the real Mr Abbasi and we will be looking seriously into what has happened.”