YouTube user Harvinder Singh uploaded a curated video comprising two BBC shows in order to point out a ‘flaw’ in Leslee Udwin’s ‘India’s Daughter’ .
“This is reply to BBC for making Video on Rape cases in other Countries when they are them self at the 5th place in World’s Rape list, to remind them “Daughter is Daughter, She is not Indian or British” & we have same pain for British too. Please share to your friends so World should know the reality. Please do not post any hate comments [sic],” he writes in the video description.
While we understand Singh’s perspective on the matter, isn’t the deeper problem being overlooked here? There should be no competition over rape. Be it Delhi vs Mumbai or India vs UK. That is NOT the prime issue at all.

It is very easy to point fingers. It is very hard to bring about change, especially when the real problem is the mindset.
In the first part of the video, a survivor of brutal rape talks about her ordeal in court.
The prosecution lawyer “accused me of liking it,” she says. “I thought I was a victim at that point.”
On winning the case, she just has one thing to say. “They believed me. And that was important.”
Why is it so hard for us to treat a rape victim as a human being, no matter WHERE we are?
In the second part of the video, a BBC talk show discusses rapes taking place in UK.
Amid talk about how rape stats in the country have gone up rapidly (29% rise in rapes in England and Wales since 2013) the Executive Editor at Breitbart London, James Delingpole says, “Most of these organised gangs are Muslims, of Kashmiri origin. Police wouldn’t deal with this problem because they fear being called racists.”
Again, why does the debate over rape have to cross over to religious identities? Even if what he says is mildly true, don’t comments like these propagate more hate, and a sense of vengeance?

Which brings us back to the moot point. Rape isn’t just India’s problem, or UK’s problem. It isn’t a city, state or country’s problem. It is far more local than that. It’s a problem inside our heads.
As one man in the audience points out, “Does it really really matter if you are black, white, orange or yellow? Rape is rape.”
(Please start watching the video from 4min40sec for the BBC bits)