After a woman was mercilessly stabbed by her husband in Haryana, her neighbors deemed it right to first record her misery on a smartphone than attend to her cries.  

The victim, identified as Sanju, a resident of Baroli village was stabbed with a woodcutter by her husband Naresh who accused her of having an illicit relationship, reported Hindustan Times

She suffered multiple injuries on her stomach, shoulder and knee, video of which was shamelessly shared on social media by her neighbors. 

b’The victim, identified as Sanju, a resident of Baroli village was stabbed with a woodcutter by her husband Naresh | Source: PTI’

The police informed Hindustan Times that the incident which took place on the evening of June 30 saw Naresh attack her wife with chilli powder in her eyes before stabbing her with woodcutter. 

Naresh, however after warning to kill her “whenever he finds another chance” fled the spot when the woman’s cries alerted the neighbors. 

“I rushed to the village on my bike and saw the woman crying in pain. A neighbor was shooting her video when I reached. I asked him to stop making video,” Investigation Officer sub-inspector Ram Mehar was quoted as saying in the report. 

The woman was later shifted to a medial college hospital at Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat from a local hospital and has been discharged. Her husband on the other hand has been arrested and booked under Section 323, 324 and 506 of the IPC. 

(Feature image source: Reuters)