Every year, during the budget session, we hear of ministries complaining about not receiving adequate funds.

b’Arun Jaitley prepares to present the Union budget in the Lok Sabha / twiter’

But surprisingly, figures reveal that most of the 17 ministries have not exhausted their allocation of 2015-2016, according to a report in The Times of India.

What’s more, as many as ten ministries did not even spend half of their funds till December.

However, the rest of the seven ministries showed a rather great deal of efficiency in using funds – and spent over 90% of the funds till December.

But yes, that the ministries did not spend the funds proportionately to time is evident.

Here’s a list of which ministry spent how much till December:

The figures are of Plan spending – which excludes payments of salaries, pensions and other recurring expenditures. It includes all capital expenditure.