In good news, New Zealand has declared itself coronavirus-free after the last patient was discharged and released from isolation. 

The health authorities confirmed the same on Monday and termed it as a great achievement for the country. Health Department Director-General, Ashley Bloomfield said:

The milestone was “really good news” and an achievement the whole of New Zealand could take heart from.

Bloomfield further added that this was the first time in months that they didn’t have any active cases but, it is still important to remain vigilant. He said:

Having no active cases for the first time since February 28 is certainly a significant mark in our journey but, as we’ve previously said, ongoing vigilance against COVID-19 will continue to be essential.

New Zealand has reported no new cases for 17 days now which is quite commendable. This country is being appreciated by everyone for their quick response and model for handling the pandemic. 

The details of the last patient haven’t been shared due to privacy reasons but, it is believed to be a 50-year-old woman who was linked to a cluster at an Auckland nursing home.

With this, international border restrictions will remain but, domestic curbs like limitation on public gatherings and mandatory social distancing will be removed.  

Way to go, New Zealand!