So another one of life’s simple pleasures was snatched away from the people of India, as the government’s banwagon surged forward in all its glory. While porn was banned very silently and without any warning, the people of India sure did not let it go without making some noise.

Following the porn ban the social media erupted and everyone from the Twitterati to celebs decided to voice their opposition to it.

Our very own RGV decided to respond to the ban in his signature over the top style

Since the government doesn’t seem to slow down its banning spree, #NextBanIdea started trending on Twitter with users giving their own nominations for things to be banned in the future.

Let’s ban bananas, says this gentleman

Or how about few tips for Mr. Zuckerberg?

And it gets better

This should be top priority

Some more from the celeb tweets:

And finally an indication of how the future might look

One thing seems certain, if the government doesn’t stop it’s banwagon, then a lot of voters might decide to ban them soon. Or they can just ban elections before that.