If you have watched 3 Idiots, you know that engineering students will do anything, including gatecrashing weddings. And it’s okay if you haven’t watched the film, because you know engineers. There are literally millions of them in this country. 


Well, the National Institute of Technology (NIT) in Kurukshetra has warned its students against ‘gatecrashing’ weddings near its premises.

According to Business Standard, the Chief Warden sent a letter to the hostel inmates saying:

It has been reported that some of the students have been going to attend weddings in the city without having an invitation. This is not only unethical and immoral but also uncalled for.

According to reports, there had been complaints in the institute that students had been gatecrashing weddings to skip meals in the mess, prompting such a response from the administration.

The Indian Express

The letter calls on students to not participate in such ‘uncivilised activities’. It also warns the students that strict disciplinary actions would be taken against those who are found doing so.


Honestly, engineering jokes just write themselves!