Much of India is reeling under a heat wave and there’s drought condition that has hit at least 330 million Indians. But who gives a damn, right? Our MPs have something more serious to discuss:  their salaries.

b’Source: Reuters’

Ahead of the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission, all that they can think of, right now is their salaries. And that’s why Members of Parliament have recommended a 100 per cent hike in salaries and allowances for themselves, saying they deserve a raise in view of their “good conduct”, reported NDTV.

This joint committee on salaries and allowances of Members of Parliament (MPs) is headed by none other than the controversial BJP MP Yogi Aditya Nath. 

Free Press Journal
  • That the salary of MPs be raised from Rs 50,000 to a lakh a month 
  • The constituency allowance be raised from Rs 45,000 to Rs 90,000. 
  • A 75 per cent rise in pensions, and an automatic revision in salaries periodically
  • Increase money for office expenses from Rs 15,000 to Rs 30,000 per month 
  • And secretariat assistance from Rs 30,000 to Rs 60,000 per month.

If the committee’s proposal is accepted, the total compensation package for an MP will rise from Rs 1,40,000 to 2,80,000.

Naresh Agrawal of the Samajwadi Party said that they deserve the hike for their “good conduct,” adding that many lawmakers “want this, but are not speaking due to fear… You expect us to maintain three accommodations in this salary? It is not possible.”

And what will be the implication of this?

The increase in MPs salaries will put an additional burden of Rs 250 crore on the exchequer. Last year’s allocation had cost the exchequer Rs. 295.25 crore for Lok Sabha Members and Rs 121.96 crore for Rajya Sabha members.