Just a day after three local militants were killed in an encounter with security forces in south Kashmiri’s Aishmuqam area, massive protests broke out in Chief Minister Mufti Muhammad Sayeed’s home town–Bijbehara–which is about 10 kilometres away from where the encounter took place.

And while Pakistani flags are frequently waved in pro-freedom rallies and on streets, this Tuesday morning, a Pakistani flag was hoisted on the ancestral house of Mufti Sayeed at Baba Mohalla area of Bijbehara.

Security personnel later reached the spot and removed the flag from the Sayeed’s house, reported Greater Kashmir .

The flag was hoisted when people were going to participate in the funeral prayers of three local militants, who were killed a gunbattle with forces on Monday evening.

Greater Kashmir

Speaking to ScoopWhoop, Deputy Inspector General of police (DIG) south Kashmir Nitish Kumar said it were some angry youth who had hoisted the flag.

“We have started the investigation to identify the youth involved in this act,” he said.

Soon after the burial of the militants, angry youth pelted stones at security forces, who retaliated by firing tear gas shells in which several youths were injured.

While the hoisting of the flag made headlines, Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Geelani said the hoisting of Pakistani flags was nothing new in Kashmir, as it has been taking place since 1947.

“Pro-India politicians are responsible for the overall mess in Kashmir. Our ongoing freedom struggle will continue till it reaches its logical conclusion,” Geelani told ScoopWhoop on phone.