The last few weeks have seen the CAA protests erupt into a nation-wide movement. While it has been encouraging to see citizens from all walks of life stand up for such an important cause, a regrettable by-product of it has been the sheer amount of daily violence.

With young students being thrashed by the police, their parents are now joining the protests as well. The Quint spoke to some of these parents.
Nigar Sultana, whose daughter is completing her BA (Honours) in English at Jamia, said,
Kids live in the hostel. You enter the hostel at night and you try to overpower them. The girls told me that the police held guns to their heads and called them Muslim. So many girls have fractures. What is this?

The overwhelming feeling behind parents joining the protests seems to be to reinforce that most of these people are students, and not hardened criminals. The authorities need to devise a different way to deal with dissent.
To know more, read the original article on The Quint.
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