There are many kinds of people in this world, out of which, there is a kind, a special kind who have taken the responsility upon themselves of correcting any kind of grammatical errors/typos that occur in any given corner of the Universe, at any given point of time. No matter how, when, where, wherever there’s a typo, they are there to correct it.
If there’s ever an earthquake and you are stuck in debris, just tweet with a typo and they will respond before anyone from the police/disaster/volunteer team could even take notice of your tweet, and at times even before your tweet gets published. Efficient AF.

So what are they if not jerks? We don’t say so. Science says so.
Researchers at The University of Michigan tested and questioned subjects after showing them a housing ad riddled and jumbled with typos. What a perfect gift for that typo-corrector in your life!

They assessed their subjects, age, and socio-economic status and then came to some conclusions.
“Both typos and grammos had a negative impact on the evaluation scale. This negative impact was not modulated by age, education, electronic communication frequency, or pleasure reading time. In contrast, personality traits did modulate assessments, and did so in distinct ways for grammos and typos.”

People who negatively judged their imaginary typo-maker-enemies based on their typos had something in common – they were just mean, judgmental pricks!
The researchers couched it as “being about extraverts versus introverts.”
For example, extraverts were generally much more likely to overlook both grammos and typos, whereas introverts were more likely to judge the applicants negatively because of them. Well, we can’t blame introverts, they have all the time in the world, no one texts them anyway!