We all are aware of PM Modi’s foreign visits and time and again he has been criticised for spending a significant part of the exchequers’ money on these visits.

But latest reports suggest that cost-cutting is apparently his topmost priority.


In his recent statement to the Lok Sabha, Home Minister Amit Shah said that PM Modi opts to rest and take a bath at airport terminals instead of staying in luxury five star hotels during technical halts.

He further elaborated:

In his personal and public life, Mr. Modi has followed a very disciplined regimen. For instance whenever he goes on state visit abroad, he takes less than 20% of the staff with him. Similarly, for the official delegation, he has discouraged using a large number of cars. Earlier, officials were using separate cars, now they use a bus or a large vehicle.
one india

He was replying to the debate on the Special Protection Group (Amendment) Bill, 2019 and while answering the Opposition’s questions, he also clarified that Modi has never misused the state security provided to him.

For some, security cover has been a status symbol. For some, security has become a trivial issue where norms are violated at will. But let’s follow the example of Modiji who adheres to the security norms and protocols.