On Sunday, the protests against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act took a rather violent turn after DTC buses were set on fire in the National Capital. Delhi Police officials also forcefully entered Jamia Milia University and used baton-charge and tear gas to disperse the violent crowd before they entered the university. 


Amidst these aggressive protests, Prime Minister Narendra Modi put out his views on Twitter and called the ongoing protests ‘unfortunate and deeply distressing.’  

He went ahead and added that the CAA does not affect any religion or any person in India and the citizens shouldn’t worry about the act. 

He then emphasized on “development of India and the empowerment of every Indian” and urged people to stay away from rumours that might divide the country.  

Starting from Assam, the protests have spread like wildfire in the entire country. Students from different universities and people from different parts of the country have been protesting against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act.