The alleged gangrape incident at the national highway in Murthal, Haryana, has left the nation shocked. Though the police and local bureaucrats have been denying the incident, the Punjab and Haryana high court on Wednesday took suo moto cognisance of the report – that first appeared in The Tribune – and asked for probe.
On Wednesday, senior Haryana police officers Paramjit Singh Ahlawat and Devendra Singh reached Sonipat, and questioned residents of Hasanpur and Kurad villages – the site of the alleged incident. National Commission for Women member Rekha Sharma also went to the spot.
Dainik Bhaskar reported that during probe, cops discovered undergarments of women near one Sukhdev Bajrangbali Dhaba. The highway stretch where the incident is said to have taken place, is lined with dhabas.
Ahlawat told the paper that in the wee hours of Monday, some goons indeed attacked the cars that passed by, they indeed looted the people and molested the women, but no rape took place.
Because no such complaint has been lodged with the local police nor has any hospital admitted to have treated any such patient.
About the found garments, the police told the paper that they must have fallen from the suitcases while people were running away from the goons.
A local journalist told Scoopwhoop that the police came to this conclusion after just two hours of probe.
Dainik Bhaskar has quoted a local resident, Master Om Singh, saying that around three men and a woman entered their field around 3 am on Monday. One of the men was severely wounded on the head. Even as he dressed up the wound, the woman didn’t complain of any harassment.
The original report by The Tribune had said that the victims and their families were reportedly advised by the district officials not to report the matter to anyone “for the sake of their honour”.