Eroticism is a personal choice, according to the Supreme Court of India. Taking a complete U-turn from their earlier stance, the SC has outright refused to block erotic content on the internet, citing personal liberty as being of utmost importance.

“Such interim orders cannot be passed by this court. Somebody can come to the court and say ‘Look, I am an adult and how can you stop me from watching it within the four walls of my room? It is a violation of Article 21 (right to personal liberty) of the Constitution,” said Chief Justice of India H.L. Dattu.

Source – TheHindu

Reported by India Today , these remarks came after Lawyer Vijay Panjwani pressed for an interim order, claiming crime against women and children, “majorly influenced” by such porn videos were on the rise. This is a progressive move, and signals a change in the mindset of our court of law.