50 people were killed in a mass shooting incident at a gay nightclub in Florida, Orlando, on Sunday. The accused, Omar Mateen, himself took responsibility for this terror attack by calling 911. Since then, a lot of support has poured in from around the world for the survivors, injured and deceased. 

A plea was also made on social media for people to donate blood for the same cause, and many people came forward. One of them was Mahmoud ElAwadi, a resident of Florida, who posted the following on Facebook: 

This attack was yet another opportunity for certain people to blame and shame the entire Islamic community. 

Mahmoud isn’t the only Muslim to have donated blood to the victims of the Orlando shooting accident. And considering that it’s the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims are fasting and cannot eat or drink, donating blood is one mean feat. But kudos to Mahmoud and others who put the lives of their countrymen over theirs!