People have had an ecstatic week with Avengers: Endgame finally hitting the screens and most of them going gaga about how things ended. However, considering this was the end of a saga, everyone’s also been feeling a little empty.


Now, a group of Marvel fans in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have come up with a beautiful and dizzying tribute – they’ve transformed the top of their institute’s Great Dome into Captain America’s shield.


As per Boston Globe, a group calling themselves the MIT ‘hackers’ reportedly planned the tribute about a year ago and after learning about the film’s release, started with their large-scale project so they could reveal their highly-anticipated tribute on time. 

Fox 5

The art modification on the Great Dome was so successful, that Chris Evans himself tweeted about it. 

The hacker associated with the latest Captain America-themed dome redecoration told The Boston Globe – 

Putting things on the dome is a big challenge and the priority is safety for people, and safety for MIT structures. We hope people look at it and it gets their imagination going. 

For a better look, here’s a video uploaded to YouTube by MIT sophomore Raymond Huffman

These guys grew up watching their favourite heroes on screen, and it’s heartening to see this kind of fanbase. Captain America approves!