Months after being expelled from the party, ex-Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) member and lawyer Prashant Bhushan lashed out at Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, dubbing him ‘shameless’ and ‘hypocrite’. All this after Kejriwal conveyed his wish for Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav to rejoin the party.

Bhusan, one of the core members of the party has alleged that AAP MLAs misbehaved and physically attacked him during a National Council (NC) meeting.

Bhusan took to Twitter to express his anger over Kejriwal’s comment:

Not only this, Bhushan also called Kejriwal a ‘liar’:

Rebel leaders Yadav and Bhushan were expelled from the party on April 20 along with two founding members Anand Kumar and Ajit Jha. They were expelled by AAP’s national disciplinary action committee which found all four guilty of anti-party activities.

Not to be left behind in the ongoing war of words, Twitter too joined in:

Kejriwal’s U-turn has not gone down too well with his former mates. What is in store for the not-so-aam party? Will the buddies make up? Or continue churning out fodder for Twitter?