In a shocking case of apathy and carelessness, a pregnant woman named Shanti Devi had to be carried to the hospital on a bike for 10 kilometers after she was denied an ambulance, reports Hindustan Times.

Hindustan Times

Reports suggest that she was bleeding and unconscious when she was brought to the said hospital. But she couldn’t get treatment there so she had to go to another hospital and then to another, where she was finally admitted. And only then was she provided with an ambulance.

The CSR Journal/Image For Representation

Her husband, Kamal, talked to Hindustan Times about the incident and said:

We tried to arrange for an ambulance to bring her to Chandwa CHC, but the latter did not provide us the same. We also called the 108 helpline number, but in vain. Finally, we had no option but to carry her on a bike, as her condition was deteriorating.
Patrika/Image For Representation

Whereas CPM leader and social worker Ayub Khan was quoted as saying:

First she was denied an ambulance, then the doctors refused to transfuse blood at the Sadar Hospital, despite the Latehar deputy commissioner’s intervention. The doctors actually played with her life by dillydallying treatment. This is shame on the government health machinery.
The Independent

Considering the nature of the matter, a probe has been ordered to get to the root of the problem.

The growing medical negligence in the country needs to be looked into by the authorities because we can’t be losing people to carelessness like this.