It seems like another royal wedding is on the cards. Britain’s Prince Harry and his American actress girlfriend Meghan Markle have announced their engagement and according to the Daily Mail, will be saying their vows next year.


Prince Harry revealed that the couple had been dating for over a year. He is reported to have proposed to Meghan in London, earlier this month. However, the protocol demands that the Queen must give her grandson the permission to marry since he is 5th in line to the throne. 


Well, she gave the nod just a week after celebrating her own 70th wedding anniversary. In another statement, the Queen & Prince Philip said that they were delighted for the couple. 


Meanwhile, Suits actor Meghan Markle’s parents also said that they were delighted as the Prince shared the same qualities as their daughter.

Meghan could be given the title princess or the Duchess of Sussex after she marries the fifth in line to the throne of England.