Video games are supposed to be a means of entertainment, but some cross the line. Like this mobile application game in Australia that required users to kill indigenous Australians!

After widespread public outrage and a petition asking for its removal, the game has been taken off app stores.


Released in December and titled ‘Survival Island 3 Australia Story’, the game required users to stay alive in dangerous situations and overcome challenges such as fights with aborigines. Users needed to kill them to earn rewards like food and weapons. It was available on Apple’s iTunes App Store and Google Play. 

The format of the game sparked anger among people, after videos and screenshots of the game began to be circulated. A petition that ‘Killing indigenous Australians is not a game” was then launched on Friday. It promptly received 50,000 signatures, forcing major mobile app stores to take the game down, reported The Guardian.

Check out the video:
“By shooting ‘dangerous Aboriginals’, this app makes us inhuman, it reinforces racial violence, lack of punishment for white people taking black lives, it makes fun and sport of massacres and Frontier violence,” the petitioner Georgia Mantle told ABC.

A Google spokeswoman said the company did not comment on individual apps but that it removed “applications that violate our policies”, as reported by The Guardian.