Keeping up the heat on demonetisation issue, Rahul Gandhi on Monday said that it is for the first time that India’s Prime Minister is being “ridiculed world over” for taking such an “ill-conceived” decision. He said demonetisation was PM Modi’s personal decision. 

Addressing Congress’ ‘Jan Vedna’ meeting against note ban, the party Vice President said “achhe din” (good days) will come when Congress comes back to power at the Centre in 2019. 

Alleging that economy has gone back 16 years under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Congress leader pointed to the sharp drop in automobile sales. 

Rebutting charges by BJP leaders that Congress did nothing for the country, he said what BJP has done in its two-and-a-half years by targeting institutions like RBI and Judiciary, Congress could not in 70 years. 

He alleged that BJP, RSS and Prime Minister Narendra Modi have weakened institutions like RBI, Judiciary and Election Commission which the Congress had built over the past several years. He said the role of these institutions, which he described as “soul” of India, has been undermined by the present government.

b’Source: PTI’

“We respected RBI’s independence. It is the financial bedrock of India and now it is is being ridiculed. People in RSS and BJP are under the impression that nobody else’s opinion matters but theirs,” he said.

Taking a dig at Modi’s 2014 Lok Sabha election campaign line that “achhe din” will come when BJP comes to power, he said only Congress’ return to power in 2019 will heard good days. 

He also said Modi must ask why has the demand for MNREGA suddenly surged and why people are migrating for villages instead of cities.