Ram Nath Kovind, the NDA candidate, was today elected as India’s 14th president receiving an overwhelming majority of votes from the country’s lawmakers.

Kovind defeated opposition’s Meira Kumar, a former Lok Sabha speaker, garnering more than 65 percent of the votes in the Electoral College, the Returning Officer for the poll announced today.

The 71-year old, who will be the second Dalit to hold the top constitutional position, received 2930 votes with a value of 702044, the returning officer, Anoop Mishra, said.

  • Kovind will be the first BJP member to be elected president.
  • Kumar, also a Dalit, polled in 1844 votes with a value of 367314.
  • The Electoral College comprises of Members of Parliament and members of legislative assemblies of all states.
  • A total of 4,896 voters — 4,120 MLAs and 776 elected MPs — were eligible to cast their ballot. MLCs of states with legislative council are not part of the electoral college.

Celebrations broke out after he was confirmed the President:

And wishes from all corners poured in for the 14th president of India

After the defeat, Meira Kumar thanked her supporters 
