As Taliban stormed Afghan parliament on Monday, June 22, the brazen voices emanating from Pakistan took no time to blame India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) for the attack.

Don’t be surprised. This is not for the first time that the two neighbouring countries – India and Pakistan, have indulged in such accusations.

It has been continuing since 1947 when the countries parted ways. If something happens in Balochistan, Pakistan blames RAW for that and if something happens in India, Pakistan Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is blamed.

But this latest one is a bit too bizarre. This time the attack took place in Afghanistan and Taliban even claimed the responsibility, but Twitterati in Pakistan including former ISI chief and other senators held RAW responsible.

Many Pakistanis still believe that RAW choreographed the terror attack on Afghan parliament.

#RAWattacksAfghanParliament was also a trending topic on Pakistan Twitter after the attack on Afghan parliament broke out.

Most of the people linked the Afghan parliament attack with Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parikkar’s recent remark — “You have to neutralise terrorists through terrorists only”.

Sample some tweets:

Former ISI chief, General (retd) Hamid Gul has this to tweet.

Feature image source: Reuters