After the death of George Floyd, The US has erupted into protests and riots for Black lives. The latest person to support this movement is Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian.  


Just yesterday, Ohanion who co-founded Reddit 15 years ago posted on his social media platforms that he has resigned from the board of the company. 

In the post, he said that he is trying to set an example for other leaders by stepping down. He urged Reddit to fill his seat with a black candidate. 

Ohanian, who is married to tennis star Serena Williams, cited his family as one of the reasons for his decision.   

It’s long overdue to do the right thing,” Ohanian said in a video posted online. I’m saying this as a father who needs to be able to answer his black daughter when she asks ‘What did you do? To everyone fighting to fix our broken nation: do not stop. 

After the resignation took place, Reddit said it would honour Ohanian’s request. Counting him, Reddit board comprised of one woman and four white men.

According to Buisness Insider, Reddit has long wrestled with addressing hateful and racist content on its platform. Earlier this week, some of Reddit’s most popular threads went private in an effort to protest hate speech and racism on the platform.