When was the last time you bit into a piece of really good steak? A nice medium rare, just pink enough to make you drool. Well according to Arunachal Pradesh MP and Minister of State for Home, Kiren Rijiju, you have every right to do so immediately.

Unlike his colleague, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, who believes those who eat beef should move to Pakistan, Rijiju is all about that juicy meat.

Source: Newsnation

I eat beef, I’m from Arunachal Pradesh, can somebody stop me? So let us not be touchy about somebody’s practices,” Rijiju said during a visit to Aizawl on May 26. “This is a democratic country. Sometimes, some statements are made which are not palatable,” he added, pointing fingers at Naqvi.

India has never been the kind of place where the “live and let live culture” permeated. Indians like to get into the deep dark details of your life, so when an MP steps out and says, do what you want, who’s going to stop you? It really is a breath of fresh air.


The Indian Express quoted Rijiju as saying, “T his country is a multi-racial, multi-religious, multi-communal country. We must respect each other’s practices. There cannot be any force on anybody about your practices, your faith. So if anybody makes a statement which is forcing or imposing your belief, your faith, your practices on another community, another believer, it is not good”.

So for everyone out there (except those living in Maharashtra – sorry about that) go out there and eat all the beef you want. Gorge on those steaks, stuff your face with burgers and devour the beef fry, and if anyone tries to stop you, contact Kiren Rijiju immediately.